Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Another year has come and gone and I have to say in my deep pondering and reflection of its passing that it was a HUGE one for Tyler and I.

It started with me getting a new little sister, who just started walking, by the way. It's adorable, she totters around like a little drunkard.

Then we had our own little peanut, Maddox, on July 30th. Still the joy and light of our lives (as if we thought he wouldn't be at this point).

Then Tyler started Medical School, we moved a couple times, we had lots of family come visit, we went on trips and celebrated birthdays and holidays, visited grandparents, made friends, lost friends, ate way too much, loved way to much, fought a little too much, made up enough, spent too much money... I guess I could keep going and going. But, in retrospect, I'm glad for another year lived and that I lived it to the best of my abilities. I'm content with the fact that another year has gone by and I am another year older (although I'm not quite to come to terms with the fact that 2007 means I turn 25). I'm content with my home, my family, my son, my husband, my happiness. Not to say that my life isn't full of chaos, I'm just content enough that it is; that I have a life to live.

Now, to steal some resolutions from my good friend Jojo (no, not the singer):

Family – I will be more appreciative of my family and the loving advice and words of wisdom they have for me.

Education – I will learn something new this year.

Religion – I will more often look for opportunities to have open discussion of religion in my home, encouraging learning and growing through each others' testimonies and questions.

Health – I will strive to be active but will not be upset over how much weight I will gain this year, instead I will concentrate on a chubby and healthy baby boy.

Service – I will seek out an opportunity to get involved in a good cause that I feel strongly about.

I think these are perfect resolutions. Thanks Joanie!

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