Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The other day Lia was acting like her naughty little self, hitting Max over the head with a bat repeatedly, despite my constant "no no no." This little girl could honestly care less about being disciplined. So when I told her that if she hit Max again she'd have to go to time-out she paused, looked at me, looked at Max, looked back at me, then gave Max one final whack and ran as fast as she could and sat in time-out. Either I wasn't specific enough or she thought it was worth it. Funny girl.


And Max, by the way, was great about being hit. He really didn't complain that much, just an exasperated "LIA" every couple of times. But that baby girl... I swear, we're not quite sure what to do with her!!

1 comment:

sally said...

i love this cute :)