Monday, March 22, 2010

Another One

2010 044

Tyler celebrated another birthday. The big 29! Wow we're getting old! I wanted to do something special for him for his birthday since it's the last one before he becomes an old man so I got Brooke in on it with me (since her husband Stephen's birthday is in March, too). We decided to send our guys snowboarding for a few days. So off they went while we stayed behind to entertain our kids and my family who happened to be visiting for a few days.

2010 050

I'm pretty sure they had a great time just bumming around, no responsibility, snowboarding for 2 days, eating good food that Tyler's mom cooked (they stayed with Tyler's parents since they live so close to some good resorts). And they even got to go repelling thanks to Tyler's mom. Tyler was pretty stoked seeing as how I would rather die than willing plummet to the bottom of a dark cave.

2010 048

2010 046

I'm glad Tyler got to go and have a good time. He doesn't get to just have that kind relaxation down time a lot, mostly by choice. It's hard to get him to go do stuff for himself (a wonderful quality, but one that can leave him stressed a lot, so I force him to do fun stuff whenever I can). I sure do love that guy -- even if he is getting old and gray -- still looks good to me.

2010 052


Jen said...

So fun! Jeff would love that! Of course, Jeff has a few years till he's 29... hehe. Not that that's saying much seeing as how I've already passed it and will be rockin' 30 soon. :( But it gives me a great idea for when he gets there!

brooke said...

So glad we did that! Seeing those pictures makes me miss Stephen's hair! Even the facial hair. He had so much fun!

Nancy said...

when you say "old and gray" do you mean "looks exactly the same as the day I met him when we were both freshmen in college"? because that's what I think you mean.