Monday, February 23, 2009

3 Month Old Chub


Tyler and I are always joking that we're not used to having a fat bald baby. And it's true! Max was born with a serious amount of hair and was never fat (although his cheeks made him look like he was). Lia is the total opposite. She's got these great little leg rolls and fat cheeks and chubby little tummy that poofs out over the top of her pants. It's adorable! We love having a rolly poly little chubbers.


She hasn't been officially weighed for her 4 month check up, but last time we checked (at 3 months) she was almost 14 pounds. Max weighed 15 pounds at 6 months, so now you can see why we're shocked. I'm sure it's from all that yummy rice cereal we mix into her bottle (doctor's orders). But still, she's a cute little thing. Drooly and slobbering and chubby and lovey -- just how I like it!! Life is pretty good for a chub.


1 comment:

sally said...

ok i wouldn't have believed it if i didn't see for myself. Please take a picture of those cute chubby thighs -- with a diaper on of course! kevin doesn't believe me that they are chubby!