Friday, June 12, 2009

Pretty Good Baby

Tyler and I often say this to each other -- that Lia is a pretty good baby. And she is. She's pretty happy crawling around watching us and playing with toys on the floor by herself. She doesn't require a lot of attention and she's pretty good-natured, too.

We usually get her up around 7:15 and give her a morning bottle. She loves to play around for a little while in the morning, pulling out her own basket of toys and picking through it, finding the best ones, chewing on them a little, and then putting them down to search for another one.


She's goes down for a nap around 9 and we get her up again around 11:30 for lunch. Then the kids and I usually head out for a few errands and we come home for a bottle around 2 and then naptime. Both kids nap from 2-5pm everyday. It's awesome! It gives me my afternoons to rest or clean or proof photos. Then at 5 both kids get up and we usually go outside to play (and meet our fun neighbor friends outside, too). Around 6 is dinner and then bedtime at 7.


Lia is pretty easy going and happy most of the time. She rarely cries and if she does it's for no more than a few seconds. She definitely has an opinion about things, but it's usually communicated in bursts and grunts and babble and giggles. So yeah, she's a pretty good baby.

1 comment:

Jen said...

How do you get them to go to bed at 7 after a nap from 2-5? You LUCKY woman! Mine won't go to sleep at 7 if they sleep past 3 pm!