Saturday, October 18, 2008

Favorite Games

One of Max's favorite games is to play "night night" in our bed. This game drives me crazy because I hate it when our bed isn't made or is messy. But I relent and let him do it because he gets such a kick out of it. He throws all the pillows off, crawls under the covers and pretends to sleep. Then we have to go in and try to wake him up and he cracks up laughing, runs away and we chase him and he runs back in and it starts all over again.


Max has also been really into his teddy bear lately. One morning I went in to get him up and there was a teddy bear in his crib with him. "He slept with me!! He's my buddy!!" Max beamed. He has never had any toys in his crib with him and the only thing he sleeps with is his "wrappie" (his blue blanket). But, the teddy bear seemed harmless, so he sleeps with that now, too. But teddy bear doesn't just sleep. He also needs to eat, go potty, he gets sad and cries and needs to be wrapped up and put to bed, etc, etc, you get the picture. Last night teddy bear was eating blocks and playing and then he got sad and then he was having a grand old time.

Max also likes to be chased. Incessantly. He makes Tyler hide and then he goes to find him and then chases him and makes Tyler chase back. He loves it.

He also likes to name the presidents on all the coins. Starting with the penny and right on up to the quarter. He knows all of them. I have to get a video of this to show you, it's funny.

Anyway, this kid is so dynamic. He constantly keeps us guessing and going. We sure do love him!

1 comment:

Jen said...

With the way he's playing with that teddy bear, it sounds like he's totally ready to be the big brother! Good thing too, since he doesn't have much choice. I'm sure he'll just be super cute with the baby!