Our Max is seriously adorable. I know we're biased, because we're his parents. But my goodness this kid says the funniest things now. He's the biggest parrot ever. He will repeat anything he hears. And he talks so clearly. Here are some funny things he's said in the past few weeks. And I know I have to be better about writing this stuff down because it's hilarious.

{Funny #1}
My cell phone rings.
Max: Who is that? Who IS that? (in a very demanding tone)
{Funny #2}
In line at the grocery store, Max says to me...
Max: Come here. I need to give you a hug.
And gives me a big hug. I think I say this to him a lot.
{Funny #3}
He caught me eating a hard candy and saw the wrapper.
Max: What's that?
Me: (Trying to think quickly to distract him) That's my medicine.
Max: (Looking me straight in the eye) No mama. That's candy. I want to try some.
Also, He'll pretend to yell at his stuffed animals like I yell at him. He'll say "NO, TIME OUT" and put them in time out. Kind of sad, but still funny.
He's just become so vocal and we are loving it.
One thing we've been struggling with though is bath time. For some reason he's been hating his bath for about the last month or two. It has been a part of his night time routine since he was able to take a bath. We introduced the potty. He goes on the potty every night before his bath. He LOVES the potty. But he won't get off. He refuses to get off and get in the bath. So we have to pick him up and put him and and he starts to freak out. He's very afraid to pee in the bath now. He used to love to do it. Now he cries and cries about it. It's actually pretty sad to watch. But we aren't sure what to do. I made him a little Fimo clay surfer boy and it's actually helped. He gets distracted by the boy enough to calm down in the bath. But we're still struggling and not sure what to do. We're hoping it's a phase and he'll just eventually get over it, so we're sticking with it.
We also cleared up Max's allergy question. He's not allergic to anything. We went to a very very long appointment at an allergist where he was poked in the back with little prongy things and given 9 different needles in his arms. He also had some oral doses of stuff, too. Conclusion -- the
freaky rash was just a freaky rash. No allergies.
Max is growing and thriving wonderfully. Well, he's thriving. Growing is a little slow over here. I'm having a hard time finding pants that will stay up on him. He has no bottom or hips to hold them up and they just slide right off. I'm starting to think I should stuff his diaper or something. Anyway, we're all good over here. We are all waiting patiently for the arrival of our little girl (well Max and Tyler are -- me, not so much) and having a grand old time while we're doing it.