Sunday, May 20, 2007


I have to say this was one of the cutest moments we've had with Max. Tyler and I were busy doing something and noticed that Max had disappeared. We started looking around the apartment (which really didn't take long since our apartment is only like three rooms). We finally found him sitting on the kitchen floor surrounded by lots of snack, an empty box laying not too far away. It was SO so funny to see him sitting there eating his snacks. He must have found them in the cabinet himself. When we actually caught him he looked up at us and started crying! He knew he did something he wasn't supposed to and he felt bad. It was so sad and cute at the same time. Of course we didn't yell at him, it was way too adorable (plus, that is not something the get upset about anyway). But it was SO cute!! He's such a sweet little boy.

Aww... poor kid! But still sooo cute!!

1 comment:

tawni said...

Nina!!! Welcome back to the blogging world! What are you doing? Starving the poor child? He has got to sneak snacks! When are we going to get together and go to the SD zoo?