Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Swing me higher!!

Baby Max LOVES the swings. He doesn't really fit all that great in the baby swings yet, but we kind of prop him in there and lean him forward and swing him back and forth slowly. He loves it!! He has this big smile on his face the whole time.

Okay, so these pictures do not do it justice, he looks more uncomfortable than happy, but seriously, he loves it.

He also LOVES being outside and going for walks. He could be totally fussy and we stick him in his stroller and he's totally happy (with his pacifier of course). Tyler and I try to take him for walks everyday when he gets home before his bath and bedtime. He loves looking around at the trees and up at the sky. He's so curious all the time!!

1 comment:

tawni said...

Hi guys! Love the blog! Check ours a lot too! Nate is mad that Max smiles way more than Sofia does and I had to explain to him that she was born early and Max is older. We need to get together soon...they need to play! Miss you guys. Nate and Tawni