Monday, January 18, 2010

Sick again...

Yes. We were sick again. I swear, I thought for sure that after getting Swine Flu we'd be set for the rest of the winter. No way. Honestly, I'd been kind of waiting for some kind of stomach flu to hit our house. It had been a while. This time it hit Lia and Tyler. Hard. Luckily not at the same time. Lia woke up one morning at about 2am throwing up. She was so so so so sad! She had no energy or strength. It was like a completely different baby. I would try to stand her on her feet because she would want to get down and she couldn't even hold herself up. She even fell asleep on our laps. A few times. If you know our kids you know how sick she was to do that.



She threw up for about 8 hours, every 20 minutes and then it stopped. And for the next week and a half she would throw up randomly when something didn't agree with her tummy. And that's when Tyler got sick. Really sick. Knocked him out for a few days, too. Max only threw up once in the morning all over our bed. He hung out for a day and acted totally fine by the end of it. I was feeling nauseous but never really threw up. Thank goodness for little miracles! I think mine was mostly in my head after cleaning up buckets of barf for weeks. Ew. Shudder.


When we couldn't hold her because we were helping Max or making lunch or something we would stick her in her bean bag chair covered in a towel. She thought it was pretty neat sitting there with her lap top.


Poor baby. I'm just glad we're over it. Finally!! She can eat anything she wants now. (And she does. This girl eats like a horse). No more sickness! Oh, wait, she has a cold now. And she's teething. Sigh... one of these days...

1 comment:

csavoldi said...

Wow, it even took Tyler down?!? That is impressive. So glad that is all over with!