Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Being Messy

While I was away for the weekend on a trip to San Francisco Tyler had the kids all to himself for a few days. He's a pretty fun dad (way more fun than me -- I'm all business, no fun) and took the kids all over.

They got ice cream at Thrifty one night.



They also went to the library and picked out some books. Tyler is a huge fan of Dr. Seuss. He had the great idea of getting Bartholomew and the Oobleck for Max and then making oobleck with him. Max thought this was the greatest thing! And I was shocked to come home and see the pictures of him actually putting his hands in it and touching it! He hates getting messy or getting things on his hands. Tyler didn't think he'd actually touch it. But he got pretty into it!




Tyler says it took him a little while to actually put his hands in. But once he did he loved it.




And after lots of handwashing, his hands were green. So cute!

I think they truly loved having all that alone time with Tyler. And I loved being able to go away on know they were in great hands with their dad back home. Tyler is an awesome dad, always playing and taking them for walks and runs and reading to them and changing diapers and getting dinner ready, even when I am home! He's awesome. Truly.

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