Saturday, December 12, 2009


Oh wait, I meant besties. Well, either way, beasts or bests, these guys keep me on my toes, laughing, crying, singing, screaming (yes, those are my emotions, not theirs).





But they are seriously best friends. Lia loves Max more than anything. When he's not around she just seems slightly off. And as soon as he's back she giggles and smiles. And Max loves having a playmate around all the time. He's so patient and kind with her! Even when she teases him with his toys and wrappie or when she comes out of nowhere and clobbers him on the head, he says no to her gently or laughs with her or just waits for her to be done playing with the toy. Max is an extremely good natured kid, which is good for Lia, since she's a bit more feisty.


I love watching them play and laugh together. They seem to have their own little games and fun together. So so cute. Sometimes I catch myself holding my breath, waiting for the sibling rivalry to start. But maybe it won't. Maybe they'll just get along most of the time. Novel idea to me seeing as how my sister and I fought every waking second of our lives until we were grown ups. I sure do love these kids though. Best kids ever!


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