Monday, August 17, 2009

Excuse Us

Our continuing lack of posts is not a direct reflection of how boring our lives our. Oh no. They are quite exciting to say the least! We've been busy busy busy. Okay, maybe not three busies, but pretty busy. These next few posts won't be in all the right order, but I just want to make sure I get it all down! Before I get TOO behind.

We had a visit from Grammie right before Max's birthday party. We did the usual PF Changs and Cheesecake Factory and we even met up with Linda and Grandpa Tony. Max was pretty into Grandpa Tony -- he walked all the way around the whole table at PF Changs to sit next to him. And Linda got Max the best pirate presents! He thought it was so cool.




Grammie brought Max an awesome pirate costume, too. Well, we thought it was awesome before we realized he would want to wear it 24 hours a day, to the grocery store, to the park, to the doctors, to bed, to Target... clothing is not one of those things I fight about with him, I let him decide for the most part, as long as it's not dangerous, what he wants to wear. So if you've seen a little pirate running around, that's my three year old. He likes it when strangers say "aarrrgh."


Which brings me to another new Max development. He LOVES to talk to people. Any people. Especially people the checkers at grocery stores and Target. And if they don't pay attention to him, he throws a tantrum. He likes them to say hi, ask him his name, how old he is. But on his terms only. If they approach him first, forget it. He gets mad and shy. He likes to initiate the conversation. Crazy kid.

1 comment:

The Del Pegos said...

He is such a cutie...I love that he is talking up a storm to everyone and could the pirate costume be any cuter? I think not! I will keep and eye out for a pirate roaming around Target.