Oh our Max -- he's such a determined stubborn thing! Most of the time I love it. I love that he has his own opinions and ideas and convictions. Sometimes I'm pulling my hair out trying to get him to do anything!! He's usually a pretty well-behaved kid (threatening works wonders for him -- which is nice for me since I don't have to punish much, just say I'm going to!) and loves to just spend time with us. He's still obsessed with Halloween, loves that Santa is going to bring him presents this year, and is starting school soon which he is beyond excited about.
He loves pirates. Anything to do with them! He likes collecting all his pirate stuff and playing pirates with his pirate ships (he has 3). By far his most favorite thing to do is play outside with his friends. He loves having friends! He gets so sad when we go out after naps and no one comes out to play. His best friend I think is Sienna -- who he regularly says he is going to marry someday. It's pretty cute, the other day Max was looking at Sienna's hair and said, "Sienna, you are so beautiful!" Wow, right? I don't know if I should think it's really cute, or be really scared!
He is really into getting new shoes lately. He loves new shoes, especially tie ones that he can run super fast in. Don't you love how he's sticking his tongue out in this first picture?
He loves playing super-heroes. He puts on his super hero cape and runs around asking if I have any "special missions" for him. It's a great way to get him to clean up his toys. He also loves taking all his clothes off and hanging out in his underwear. When we put him down for bed or nap he usually wakes up with just his underwear on.
He's still a stinker about eating. Will chew and chew and chew the same bite for seriously over 10 minutes, if not longer and then he will barely swallow it. We've tried a lot of things, a lot of yelling, threatening, treats -- nothing works. I think it's a phase, but it's the MOST annoying one. Now, we give him a certain amount of time to eat his food, and if he doesn't finish, we pick up his plate and throw it away. I used to be afraid he would wake up hungry, but oh well. It's gotten ridiculous! But he likes olives. What kid doesn't?
And candy.
Anyway, Max is an amazing kid. I seriously can't believe how blessed we were with such a crazy, full-of-life, inquisitive, smart, thoughtful, sweet little boy. He's the BEST!!! I wouldn't trade him ever (at times I'm tempted, but would I ever really go through with it?)