Max is three! I'm excited and sad all at the same time. I'm excited for him because all this kid ever wanted to do since the day he was born was grow up. But I'm sad that my first baby is getting older and older and I can't stop it! Dang unstoppable time...

I made him this shirt to wear on his birthday. New traditions we're starting for the kids -- decorated kitchen and t-shirts!

He woke up to a decorated kitchen table and special chair and presents waiting for him. He loved it! He especially loved getting the bike that my mimi and da got him. I wish I got the look on his face when he opened the front door. We told him we thought we heard someone at the door and he opened it and was just freaking out he was so excited. He actually screamed!

We decided to celebrate the day by taking him to his favorite place on Earth -- the beach!! Tyler took the day off and we headed out nice and early. There were hardly any people there on a Thursday morning so it was extra nice. Tyler and Max built all kind of sand castles and dug holes to play in.

Lia at all kinds of sand. I swear I expected to see a diaper full of sand in a few hours. Man that girl can eat!

We left just in time for naps and for dinner Danielle came over and we had In-N-Out (his favorite food). And came back to the house for cake and singing. Danielle got him a cash register and now he runs around the house looking for "bar combs" to scan.

I'm pretty sure he had a great birthday. He loved all the attention and celebration. I just can't believe he's three already. This little boy is so full of life and wonder and energy -- and I wouldn't change him for the world!! As hard as he is to parent sometimes, he's pretty awesome! Happy Birthday baby boy!! (I mean BIG boy!)