I recently bought Max a doll. (Now before you go scoffing at a boy having a doll, understand that Tyler okayed it and I bought it to get him ready for the new baby.) I asked him what he named the doll. He thought for a second and said, "Planet!!" Now where he got that word we have no idea. And it wasn't just a fleeting thing -- he consistently calls the doll Planet. And he has also added that the doll is "Baby Brother Planet."
Max LOVES our next door neighbors, the Bakers, a TON. He used to just call Steven "a dada" when he saw him, but now he's come up with a better name -- Semen. He came up with that one ALL on his own.
Many days he insists on wearing a hat AND a bib outside to run errands. People must think I'm crazy the way I dress my son. Sometimes it's his CAL hat, other times it's a hat that is meant for an infant. Most recently, it was his big fleecy winter hat that he had to wear on a day when it was like 80 degrees outside. One old lady in Michaels asked me if I thought he was cold. I told her I have to pick my battles. He also enjoys wearing Tyler's ties around the house. And necklaces and jewelry of all kinds. He's very particular about what he likes to wear and how he likes to wear it (example -- sometimes the hat has to be backwards and sometimes forwards. And you better not try to do it the opposite way.) I imagine it will only get worse.
He has recently surprised us, and I don't know why, by being able to point out lots of different kinds of animals at the zoo. Like the mommy macaw and the pygmy marmacet (saying exactly those words). I think he watches a little too much "Diego". He also insists on saying "GO DIEGO GO" instead of just the word "GO". I guess he thinks it goes together and you can't say go any other way.
I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of stuff... this kid gets cuter and smarter and more fun everyday. We sure do love him!!