It was a gorgeous February day so we took Max to this cool Aviation Museum on the Navy base near our house that has a lot of retired vintage airplanes and helicopters. He LOVES planes so we thought he'd enjoy seeing them close up. We have constant fighter jet traffic over our house because Miramar Naval Air Station is only about 5 miles away. They are loud and annoying (like when they fly over in the middle of a phone conversation and the person on the other end thinks a bomb has gone off in my house). But Max always, without fail, runs to the window or looks up when we are outside and points and says, "FLAAANE!!" He loves them.
He wasn't all that interested in the planes at the museum though. I don't think he made the connection between the huge loud things in the air and the big hunks of metal on the ground. He did enjoy running around though. (Can you believe he's in short sleeves in the middle of February? It was SOOO warm that day!)
Tyler and I had a good time though. Seeing those planes was very somber. You got this real sense of power and fear and history all at the same time. Well, at least I did. I couldn't help but think of my grandfather, a man I've never met (he died when my mom was only 2 years old) but who was a World War II pilot and hero. I won't bore you with the details, but it made the stories of his life seem more real to me when I looked at those planes. If you want to see some more pictures check out my photoblog.
Fun. We have never been there before, we should go together sometime!
Hey Sieberts, this is the Stowers! Long time no talk to, he he! Just wanted to see how you guys were doing so we visited your blog. If you want to visit ours and see our new baby our site is
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