Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Random iPhone Photos

A sampling of our life through the lens of the iPhone.

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This was the time I babysat a set of twins and their big sister who is Lia's age and my two kids. It was fun! I definitely got my baby fix. Luckily these two babies are the easiest babies on the planet and Lia and their big sister get along really well. Max was the only one I had to tell to calm down.


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One of my favorite pictures of my love.

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So I found this really cute shirt on sale at Gap Kids and got it for Max one day to surprise him. When he got home from school I showed him the shirt and his eyes teared up and he said, "Mom, why do you want all the kids at school to make fun of me???" and then ran to his room crying. I had no idea I was THAT out of touch from being cool.

But then I get confused because he comes out of his room looking like this:

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Lia is now big enough to go in the play area at Ikea! Such a happy day for both of us! I can now shop at Ikea uninterupted by children and they can play and we can all have frozen yogurt when we leave. WIN WIN WIN.

Max scratches his head when he concentrates just like Tyler does.

While trying to get rid of some of the old papers and notebooks I had saved from Berkeley I came across this lovely comment on a paper I had written for one of my English classes. I actually ended up with a B+ on this one despite it being so "bizarre." If it was bizarre for Berkeley it means it was probably totally normal.

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Max FINALLY got picked for the last week of school to be a Star of the Week. He had been patiently waiting ALL year for his name to be randomly picked! Poor kid had to wait until the last week and then he was sick for half of it. He still made a super cute poster though and hand picked the pictures to put on it. 
For the part that asked him what his wish would be he had originally wanted to say he wished his family could have a house that was all their own and that we could plant an apple tree in the backyard. My heart totally melted! But I didn't want the teacher to think we were homeless so I asked him for something that was crazier and he came up with Ferrari.

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Enjoying my new big bathtub. Although it took like 20 minutes to fill and 5 minutes into me sitting in it I got too hot.

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