Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Poor Max got really really sick during his last two weeks of Kindergarten. It started with a fever that would just not go away. After 6 days of a fever hovering between 104 and 102 I took him in. I know I waited a while but honestly nothing else was wrong with him. He didn't have a bad cough or a runny nose. He didn't have a rash or any other ache or pain. He sometimes said his stomach hurt but nothing that made him throw up or even cry. He had had a slight cough for a while but again I didn't think much of it. The cough was never bad and it didn't bother him and was so infrequent that I never really even thought about it. It was just a fever and since it mainly stayed around 102-103 I was just kind of waiting it out. When we took him to the pediatrician she didn't see anything else wrong with him either. She listened to his chest but didn't hear much of anything to be concerned about. But because the fever wouldn't go away decided to send him for a chest x-ray. And sure enough the poor thing had pneumonia!


We started him on antibiotics right away but within a few days his symptoms got worse as did his fever. Poor kid passed out on me like this:



The last time he had done that I think he was like 4 days old. We continued him on antibiotics but he was just getting worse. Long story short we landed in the ER with him, another chest x-ray and another antibiotic. During that whole time, almost 12 days, his fever had not gone away. Medicine would take it down but as soon as it wore off it would spike right back up. Luckily the second antibiotic kicked right in and his fever broke and he was on the mend!


And then he decided to break out in hives which was probably an allergic reaction to one of the antibiotics and that took us BACK to the doctor's office. I swear we were at that office like 4 times that week for BOTH kids (Lia decided to spike a SUPER high 104.9 fever, too).

IMG_3190 IMG_3061

Anyway... both kids are back on track. No fevers and no sicknesses, although you can tell Max's lungs aren't fully healed yet. He can't run as hard or as long as he usually does without feeling pain in his chest and getting winded. Hopefully that disappears soon!


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