Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Little Pirate

Max has a little pirate. The little pirate goes everywhere he goes. He sits right on top of his pirate sword, just like how Mary Poppins has a parrot on her umbrella (yes, that's how he described it to me). Max also has a little parrot. The little parrot sits on his shoulder and needs to be fed crackers about 100 times a day. The little pirate and the little parrot (yes, invisible parrot) are often asked for advice. Like when Max is told it's nap time, or potty time, he often consults with little pirate and little parrot to see if it is in fact the appropriate times. Some day little pirate and little parrot might wear out their welcome. Only time will tell.




Jen said...

That's so cute! You should check out this book for him, he'd love it: How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long, illustrated by David Shannon.

Malerie said...

This is hilarious and awesome. Where do these kids come up with this stuff!

sally said...

no way! seriously way too funny.