Thursday, December 6, 2007

You're IT!!

I was tagged a super long time ago by Molly (sorry!) and I'm finally getting around to doing this! I love being tagged! Makes me feel wanted. So here goes...

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I am obsessed with cookbooks. All kinds. I love to collect old ones and new ones -- any ones really. My most cherished one was a gift from my grandmother. It was her mother's and was given to my grandmother for a wedding gift. I remember my grandmother cooking out of it my whole life. I love it!!

2. I am terrified of spiders. So terrified in fact that sometimes I make Tyler come home from wherever he is to kill them because I become paralyzed with fear. But, most people are freaked by spiders so it isn't that weird that I am, too. What is weird is that I like to leave the dead spider guts on the wall or ceiling for a while because I fully believe that other spiders will see their dead comrades and think twice before parking it on my paint. (Hmm... maybe that's a little too weird to be sharing with the internet of world).

3. I am a vicious neat freak. You may not be able to tell by the looks of my house on a regular basis, but I a seriously obsessed with things being in their proper place. I hate clutter, extra stuff I don't need, and reserve two drawers in my closet to shove stuff in and regularly have nightmares about it. I can't sleep if there are dishes in the sink, clothes unfolded, toys not put away. I pick up the house at least 5 times a day (I'm not exaggerating). So even though the outward appearance of my house is that of chaos, please know that it drives me nuts NUTS nuts and one day I will have cute matching boxes all labeled and lined up on shelves with all of my (our) stuff neatly arranged, nothing out of place, all ORGANIZED. One day...

4. I love LOVE love crafts and art and doing them and looking at them and thinking up projects. I love it all. I could spend hours and hours walking up and down the aisles of a craft store over and over again. My head is always churning out ideas for things I could make and market and sell and earn money for. My only regret is that I don't have enough time to do all fun crafty things I want to do.

5. My bed has to be perfectly made and only I know how to do it perfectly right. Especially before I go to bed at night, the covers have to be perfectly smooth, no wrinkles, and then I can go to sleep. (I'm thinking this list is making me look a little OCD... but so what if I am).

6. I plan on writing THE Great American Novel someday. I have about 200 stories already started and I'm waiting for that light-bulb moment to hit me. Seriously I wait for it daily. I try to force the light bulb on sometimes. But I know that some day it will hit me and I will be a famous writer and they will make college students read my book and write papers about it and analyze the many facets of it.

So... there you go.

I now tag Nancy, Monique, Chelsea, Lindsay, Vanessa and Hairyshoefairy. Now come on ladies... step up. It's fun!!

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