Thursday, November 8, 2007

15 Month Check-Up

Maddox had his 15 month check-up with Dr. Archie and he did great -- except for the whole shots thing, he wasn't too keen on that part. The room we were in had a large dinosaur mural on the wall and when Dr. Archambault asked Max what they were he said "dinesore". I had no idea he knew that. And of course he wouldn't say it again. The doctor was impressed. I on the other hand knew what a complete fluke it was.

Max is now just tipping the scales at 20lbs. And I mean BARELY tipping the scales. He is also 30 inches tall. So, basically, Max is as big as a normal 10 month. I know, he's very small... but oh so darling!! Dr. Archie still mentions the possibility of using a growth hormone when he is older. I am considering it more and more because it's one thing to be a shorty girl, but a shorty boy? I think that is so much harder. Poor kid. At least I have a few years before we have to decide.

Anyway, he had four shots. He cries harder as he gets older but he doesn't cry as long, so I guess that's better. He did great, was only fussy for most of the next day and is now up-to-date on all his immunizations (despite my overwhelming unfounded fear of autism -- but that's a whole different post).

I think for the first 15 months of his life we've done okay! Go us!

1 comment:

mariah said...

Yay!!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! Max is the craziest kid we know- and love. He gets "funner" by the day! And don't worry about the "little" issue, he'll be just fine with whatever you guys decide! Cute shots by the way!....