Monday, March 18, 2013

171 Acts of Love

To celebrate the 171st birthday of the women's organization of our church, The Relief Society, our relief society decided to pick a day where we would do as many random acts of kindness for people and hope to get at least 171 acts total. I think we met that and surpassed it! We even had a hashtag on Instagram so people could post their photos and share their acts. We touched a lot of people that day and it felt really good! I had been planning mine out for weeks so I was all ready to go that day.

Max brought this to school and bought a friend an ice cream. I told him to pick someone that he might not know very well or that might need some cheering up. He opted to buy for his best friend which was just as sweet.

Had a coupon and a gift card so we purchased some bibs for a random person's baby registry and sent them off.

Donated some dog bones to the animal shelter.

Signed up ahead of time to drive an elderly lady around for a few errands. There is a program through the community center that asks for volunteer drivers for the elderly in town. It was a fun and sweet experience.IMG_5870

Been planning this one for a while, too. Bought a gift card for a friend that was very much in need. 

Donated some used eyeglasses, some we had and some we got for a dollar.

The kids drew and colored little pictures that we cut out and placed on random cars in the library parking lot. We also paid a fine for someone's library account. 


And to finish out the day we handed out homemade cookies to some of our neighbors.

I think the kids and I had a great experience doing this. Once they understood what was going on they started to come up with ideas on their own. Kindness is something that can be so simple and so subtle but that can have such a profound impact on the human spirit. 

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