Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cay - oats

A few weeks after we moved into the house our neighbor came by to say hi. After a few minutes of conversation he said that we should be on the look out for coyotes in the neighborhood. I assured him that we'd be vigilant at night. But he insisted that I not let the kids play outside in the backyard alone. He claimed that coyotes like to run wild in the middle of the day and a few neighborhood dogs had been eaten by them. I admit I was skeptical.


But not even a week went by when I saw one morning standing in the road (a road that is fairly busy) across from my house barking louder than any dog I've ever heard. And again a few weeks later on our way to swimming lessons at about 11:30 in the morning we saw three of them running across the hill that is directly in front of our house. And now I hear and see them pretty consistently in the mornings and early afternoons. I remember in high school we would see them running across the main roads up the hill late at night but never during the day. So crazy to see them out in broad daylight!

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