Sunday, July 15, 2012

Like Fishes!


Thanks to my mom we got all three kids into the Waterworks Aquatics swimming school this summer! Seriously, it's a bit on the pricey side, but completely 100% worth it. The instructors were amazing and both Max and Lia are now awesome swimmers!! Mattie had had lessons before but she got so much better, too.


I honestly thought that there was no way Max was even going to get into the pool after the incident on the tube at the lake house. I think it helped a ton that Mattie was there and he didn't want to be beat by her so he jumped right in! Max and Mattie had their lessons together. Lia on the other hand -- our mostly fearless one -- screamed bloody murder through the first 15 minutes of her first lesson. I mean SCREAMED and cried like we were trying to drown her. Then, towards the end of the lesson, after 15 minutes of Lia screaming into her ear, the poor instructor girl got a little flustered and handed her off to a male instructor. As soon as Lia saw it was a boy she stopped screaming and did exactly what they told her to do.


Yeah... she's always liked guys better.


Anyway, once we switched up Lia's instructor to a guy she was surpassing Max and Mattie and most of the kids her age. She could not be stopped! She kept saying "I'm just like the fishes!!"



Mattie did great the whole time. Max, on the other hand, kind of stayed on the same level for a while. I think he got really comfortable with the instructor who didn't want to push him. Once he switched up instructors after Mattie left his skills took off!


I was really really pleased with Waterworks and how great the kids did! I had REALLY low expectations for both of them but still, they are both completely water safe! Definitely proud of them!





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