Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No More Naps!

Sigh... it happened, finally. I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is. Max is done with naps! The two big reasons why this is sad to me:

1. It means he's growing up and I can't handle the growing up!
2. It means I no longer get my full on afternoon quiet time all to myself!

Max has been mostly napless for a few months now. Instead, he reads quietly on my bed for a little while and then is allowed to get up and watch an episode of VOLTRON or play his Leapster for a little while. He does great with no napping and I figured he needs to get used to it for kindergarten anyway.


Lately when I go in to tell him he can get up he asks me if he can stay and read a little longer. He goes through about 20-30 books (looking at all the pictures, telling the stories to himself). He LOVES "reading." His favorite right now is the Book of Mormon picture book. He insists on going through the whole thing everyday. There are some days where he falls asleep though. Sometimes he just gets tired! But it's working out okay so far.


Oh, and Lia is for SURE not allowed to give those up yet!! Not for a LONG time!!


Kierst said...

I can't believe Max STILL was napping! Lucky mom! When I saw the title of your post, I thought for sure it meant that Lia was giving up naps because sometimes I think Ashton will soon. He didn't nap today! But London has been done with naps for years! I think she was 3 when she wouldn't nap anymore, although I still think she needs them. Like right now. It's a good thing my kids go to bed early!

Jen said...

Oh I am so jealous! I wish I had that problem! But alas... Jonathan gave up naps at 18 months (James was only 3 months old... I just about lost it!) even though he still needs them even now. James gave up naps just about the time he turned 2 (again with a three-month-old baby in the house... sheesh! can't a new momma get some rest?) So the only one napping is Benjamin and he's starting to go to only one a day, despite the fact that he wakes up in the night still. *sigh* Alas, I don't think I'll ever get rest again. ;)

Molly said...

there was a time when i had all 3 kids napping at the same was an absolute MUST...3 kids 3 and under will do that to my 2 year old doesn't nap and hasn't for a long time...except he lately he always falls asleep in the car and will not wake up...last night he was up until 11pm because he had a nap!! crazy kids!