Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fortune Robot

I should have posted about our house guest a long time ago! Ah, Fortune Robot. The most annoying roommate I've ever had. He ends up all over the house, sometimes taking up my spot on the couch.


He never feels like blasting down the cobwebs from the corners of our ceiling but instead wants to blast me out of the kitchen or blast himself a snack. Fortune Robot often whines about wanting to sleep in a real bed, not on the shelf in the closet.

(Hole on top to put things in to transform them into snacks and other weapons).

Sometimes he disappears Max's dinner so Max can't find it to eat it.


Sometimes he zaps Max and Lia clean before I can use soap in the bath. Have you ever seen a kid who was only cleaned by a robot and not shampoo??


I could go on and on. But Fortune Robot is allowed to stay because he's pretty fond of Max. His favorite thing is playing superheroes with Max. He's completely drawn and designed by Max, too, which is super awesome! And I can't complain about that!

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is so cute!! What an awesome imagination Max has! And what great artistic ability!