Yup, that's right. Tyler is 30!! Crazy. (Even crazier is that I'll be 30 next year... shudder). We celebrated with the Bakers at Benihana (Tyler and Stephen got free birthday dinners) and enjoyed a night free from kids! Later that week Tyler got to have a day of snowboarding with his dad up at Dodge Ridge and experienced the most amazing snow of his life!
The kids picked out some presents for him and then thought it was so fun to get to open them, too! They each picked out candy for him and Max insisted that he would LOVE a giant chocolate bar and he was positive that daddy would share it with all of us.
Here are 30 things I love about Tyler:
1. He buys me fresh flowers. A lot. And knows that they are one of my favorite things.
2. He's an amazing dad! He's patient and kind and spoils the kids with attention.
3. He has amazing blue eyes.
4. He tries harder than anyone I know to be a good person, to do the right thing, to follow the rules and to be an example to everyone around him.
5. He's SUPER DUPER smart. Like SERIOUSLY smart. Like the smartest guy I know!
6. He's truly motivated. He works hard at school so he can take care of all of us. He's focused.
7. His love of chocolatey things. Brownies, ice cream, cookies, etc. Dude has a serious sweet tooth.
8. How he likes to walk around book stores with me and just talk and look through books. How we always end up in the children's books and how he knows how to pick just the right books off the shelves that he'll know I love.
9. He reads endless books to our kids and enjoys doing it.
10. The way he looks in a suit (swoon).
11. How he loves my cooking. Especially when I cook Italian food.
12. How he always wants to hug me. I don't always want to hug him back, but I appreciate that he's always wanting me to be close by.
13. How he writes me sweet notes and leaves them for me to see when I wake up in the morning.
14. How he thinks of things to do with the kids that he knows each one will like individually.
15. How he likes to bake cookies.
16. How he's always willing to do chores when I ask him (wash the dishes, clean up the house, etc).
17. How he's athletic and fast and loves sports.
18. Our mutual love for Berkeley and Cal sports. And how he readily passes that love on to our kids, the neighborhood kids and anyone else who wants it.
19. His love for the Gospel and how he tries to truly live it everyday.
20. How we still argue about our first date, even though he knows I'm right.
21. That we've been married for almost 8 years and he still loves me and puts up with my.
22. How he cleans up barf, knowing I just can't handle it.
23. How he likes to try new Mexican restaurants with me and how he's willing to be adventurous and try different restaurants.
24. How he'll jump up in the middle of the night to tend to the kids if they cry knowing that if I get up I won't be able to go back to sleep.
25. How he got up with Lia in the middle of the night when she was a newborn to feed her so I could sleep almost every night.
26. His love for books and reading.
27. How much he supports me and all my crazy ideas.
28. How much he appreciates the photos I take of our family and how he knows it's important to me to document our lives and how he'll carry my camera around for me when it gets to heavy.
29. How he tries hard to fix the things in my life that are hard, even if he knows he can't.
30. How much he loves US!
Seriously, we love our Tyler. We love all he does for us. We're glad he made it to 30 without too many gray hairs. This is a big year for Tyler!! Happy birthday!! Love you honey!