Friday, March 14, 2008


I finally saw it!! Yes, I have been waiting for years to see this play (since 2003 when it first came out). Tyler's parents got all of us (and by all I mean the WHOLE Seibert clan) tickets to see it in LA so we drove up and hung out with the family and went to the play. It was wonderful, magical, funny... oh man, I could watch it over and over again. (Actually, I was a little disappointed I couldn't DVR it).

The next morning we went to church together in Burbank. Can I just tell you how much Max loves his cousin Jessica? He follows her around everywhere when he sees her. When we were staying in the hotel and we weren't around Jessica he would ask for her over and over again (IssCAA, IssCAAA). He didn't care all that much about Jordan, but I think that was because she is still a baby to him and can't run around and play like him. Not much of a common ground in his opinion.

But we had fun and of course it was a dream-come-true for me!!

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