We finally signed Max up for preschool! I've been wanting to for a while, but we just haven't found one we could afford and one that he didn't need to be potty trained for (working on it) or that had half day programs. We finally found one on campus, called the ICNS. It's closing at the end of this month so we used it as a trial run. Here's what Max looked like on his first day...

Do you think he liked it much? Do you think he was excited out of his mind? Oh yes. yes. yes. yes. He LOVED it. He did not even look back as soon as he walked in the door. He said "BYE MOM!!" and ran to play. The teachers were shocked and said they never had a kid do that before. He thought it was so fun to go to school with his backpack at the same school as his daddy.
Too bad we had to pull him out. I went to pick him up after he had been going for a few weeks and when I arrived there I found him OUTSIDE by himself in the parking lot. I went in and asked the teachers if they knew he was outside by himself IN THE PARKING LOT! and their response was shocking. They said he probably hadn't been out for too long so there was no need to worry and that he probably escaped when another parent came to pick up their kid. Um, yeah. I was so shocked I just walked out.
Anyway, we're currently looking for other options. Until then, it's all about having fun with mom!